ד"ר איילת הופמן ליבזון

בניין 410, חדר 139

    תלמוד בבלי, הלכה תנאית, התפתחות ההלכה.


    ראיית פני האל: בבלי חגיגה

    סוגיות במחשבת חז"ל

    סוגיות במסכת סנהדרין: משפט וממשל

    אחרים וזרים בספרות חז"ל





    1. Law and Self-Knowledge in the Talmud, Cambridge University Press, 2018.


    Sarah Wolf, AJS Review

    Yishai Kiel, Shnaton Ha-Mishpat Ha-Ivri [Yearbook of Jewish Law]

    Shana Strauch Schick, Jewish Law Association Studies

    Tomer Persico, tomerpersico.com

    1. Editor, Literary Form and Composition in Classical Rabbinic Literature, by Abraham Goldberg, Magnes Press, 2012 [Hebrew].

    Journal Editor

    1. Co-editor, Diné Israel volume in honor of Suzanne Last Stone (forthcoming 2024).
    2. Guest editor, Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies Symposium on Eric Nelson’s The Theology of Liberalism: Political Philosophy and the Justice of God, December 2022.


    1. “The Hermeneutics of Mishnah Interpretation,” in: What is the Bavli? (Harvard University Press, forthcoming 2024).
    2. “Is the Talmud Law?” in New Perspectives in Jewish Law, eds. Suzanne Last Stone and Yonatan Brafman (De Gruyter, forthcoming 2024).
    3. “Jewish Law as Comparative Law: Copyright as a Test Case,” Shnaton Ha-Mishpat Ha-Ivri, with Adi Libson (forthcoming 2024) [Hebrew].
    4. Talmud Torah: The Value of Study in the Rabbinic Academy and Courthouse,” in The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Law, eds. Roberta Kwall and Chaim Saiman (forthcoming 2024).
    5. “The Authority of the Talmud and Palestinian Narrative Traditions in the Book of the Sheiltot,” in Shapir Amar Nahmani: Rabbinic Courts in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, ed. Noah Bickart (forthcoming 2024) [Hebrew].
    6. “Zealotry and Satire: Revisiting the Talmudic Discussion of Human Dignity,” Diné Israel 38 (2024), 95-120 [Hebrew].
    7. “Originality and Creator’s Intent in Anglo-American and Israeli Copyright Law,” with Miriam Bitton-Marcovitz, European Intellectual Property Review 45 (2023), 385-399.
    8. Havurah in Tannaitic Literature,” with Orit Malka, Zion 89 (2023), 7-50 [Hebrew].
    9. “Liberalism in the Shadow of Theology,” Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 26.1 (2022), 178-188.
    10. “Commandments and the Community of Law in Tosefta Berakhot,” Jewish Quarterly Review (2021), 155-184.
    11. “‘A People’s Multitude is a King’s Splendor:’ Communal Practices Beyond Prayer,” in Torah from the Plague, ed. Erin Leib Smokler (2021), 131-141.
    12. “Replacing God with Big Data: Personalizing Copyright,” with Adi Libson, Boston University International Law Journal 37 (2021), 181-205.
    13. “In the Shadow of Doubt: Expertise, Knowledge and Systematization in Rabbinic Purity Laws,” AJS Review 44:1 (2020), 1-20.
    14. “’Not My Fault’: Morality and Divorce Law in the Liberal State,” Tulane Law Review 93 (2019), 1-45.
    15. “Grounds for Divorce as Values: Revisiting Rabbinic Law,” Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 5 (2016), 510-531.
    16. “The Heart Knows Its Own Bitterness: Authority, Self and the Origins of Patient Autonomy in Early Jewish Law,” American Journal of Legal History 57 (2016), 1-23.
    17. “Authority, Autonomy and the Value of Life: A Talmudic Study,” Judaism, Sovereignty and Human Rights 1 (2016), 17-40 [Hebrew]. 

    Other Publications

    1. Review of Jewish Justice: The Contested Limits of Nature, Law and Covenant by David Novak, Political Theology 19:6 (2018).
    2. Co-author with Elhanan Naeh and David Atzmon, Tractate Sanhedrin Chapter 4: Studies on Man and Law, Yesodot, 2007.



    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 18/09/2024